Course Outline
1 - Lesson 1: Introducing Linux
- Topic 1A: Identify Linux Characteristics
- Topic 1B: Understand Bash Interaction with Linux
- Topic 1C: Use Help in Linux
- Topic 1D: Identify the Linux Troubleshooting Methodology
2 - Lesson 2: Administering Users and Groups
- Topic 2A: Manage User Accounts
- Topic 2B: Manage Group Accounts
- Topic 2C: Configure Privilege Escalation
- Topic 2D: Troubleshoot User and Group Issues
3 - Lesson 3: Configuring Permissions
- Topic 3A: Configure Standard Linux Permissions
- Topic 3B: Configure Special Linux Permissions
- Topic 3C: Configure Access Control Lists
4 - Lesson 4: Implementing File Management
- Topic 4A: Understand the Linux File System
- Topic 4B: Use File Management Commands
- Topic 4C: Find File Locations
5 - Lesson 5: Authoring Text Files
- Topic 5A: Edit Text Files
- Topic 5B: Manage Text Files
6 - Lesson 6: Managing Software
- Topic 6A: Understand Software Management
- Topic 6B: Manage RPM Software Packages and Repositories
- Topic 6C: Manage Debian-based Software Packages and Repositories
- Topic 6D: Compile from Source Code
- Topic 6E: Acquire Software
- Topic 6F: Run Software in a Sandbox
7 - Lesson 7: Administering Storage
- Topic 7A: Understand Storage
- Topic 7B: Deploy Storage
- Topic 7C: Manage Other Storage Options
- Topic 7D:Troubleshoot Storage
8 - Lesson 8: Managing Devices, Processes, Memory, and the Kernel
- Topic 8A: Gather Hardware Information
- Topic 8B: Manage Processes
- Topic 8C: Manage Memory
- Topic 8D: Manage the Linux Kernel
9 - Lesson 9: Managing Services
- Topic 9A: Manage System Services
- Topic 9B: Configure Common System Services
- Topic 9C: Configure Localization Settings
10 - Lesson 10: Configuring Network Settings
- Topic 10A: Understand Network Fundamentals
- Topic 10B: Manage Network Settings
- Topic 10C: Configure Remote Administrative Access
- Topic 10D: Troubleshoot the Network
11 - Lesson 11: Configuring Network Security
- Topic 11A: Configure the Firewall
- Topic 11B: Monitor Network Traffic
12 - Lesson 12: Managing Linux Security
- Topic 12A: Harden a Linux System
- Topic 12B: Manage Certificates
- Topic 12C: Understand Authentication
- Topic 12D: Configure SELinux or AppArmor
13 - Lesson 13: Implementing Simple Scripts
- Topic 13A: Understand Bash Scripting Basics
- Topic 13B: Use Shell Script Elements
- Topic 13C: Implement Scripts with Logical Controls
14 - Lesson 14: Using Infrastructure as Code
- Topic 14A: Understand Infrastructure as Code
- Topic 14B: Implement Orchestration
- Topic 14C: Manage Version Control with Git
15 - Lesson 15: Managing Containers in Linux
- Topic 15A: Understand Containers
- Topic 15B: Deploy Containers
- Topic 15C: Understand Virtualization Concepts
16 - Lesson 16: Installing Linux
- Topic 16A: The Linux Boot Process
- Topic 16B: Modify Boot Settings
- Topic 16C: Deploy Linux
Target Audience
This course is suited for these roles:
Linux Administrator
Junior Cloud Engineer
Junior DevOps Support Engineer
Technical Support Specialist
Systems Administrator
Network Administrator
Web Administrator/ Developer
Cybersecurity Engineer
Linux Engineer